WASPS - Softcover Edition
WASPS is the first full-color, illustrated guide featuring approximately 150 species of flower-visiting wasps that occur in eastern North America, and the specific native plants and habitat each species depends upon. Written with an ecological lens, this richly-illustrated book details wasp diversity and has full-page profiles for each wasp species that include identification tips, geographic range maps, biology, prey, natural history and habitat.
Five introductory chapters cover wasp taxonomy, nesting biology, prey-hunting behaviors, diet, anatomy, as well as wasp habitat enhancement and management, and the ecosystem services provided by wasps—insect pest population control and pollination. Profiles of each wasp species comprise the major part of the book and are organized by family, showcasing twelve families and sixty-eight wasp genera. Also included are eastern North American regional native plant guides, tips on wasp observation, and over 1000 stunning photographs.
Winner of Seven Book Awards
2022 American Horticultural Society Book Award
2022 Midwest Independent Publisher's Association Book Award: Nature
2021 National Indie Excellence Award Winner: Nature
2021 National Indie Excellence Award Finalist: Environment
2021 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist: Science/Nature
2021 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist: Regional Non-Fiction
2021 Independent Publishers Book Awards Silver: Nature
SOFTCOVER | 9" x 11" | 416 pages | full color | ISBN 9780991356348
Published October 27, 2022